Service Opportunities for the 2024-2025 School year
We covet your help as we partner to make the school year a success and meet the needs of each student! The board has removed the mandatory requirements for family service hours.
Immediate Needs
Substitute teachers - would you like to be on our sub-list? You can specify days of the week that you're available, as well as grade levels (Elem, MS, HS) that you're most comfortable with. These can be paid or volunteer hours.
Aftercare subs/workers 3:10-5:30 M-F positions available. Paid hours.
Contact [email protected] for more information and an application.
Substitute teachers - would you like to be on our sub-list? You can specify days of the week that you're available, as well as grade levels (Elem, MS, HS) that you're most comfortable with. These can be paid or volunteer hours.
Aftercare subs/workers 3:10-5:30 M-F positions available. Paid hours.
Contact [email protected] for more information and an application.
How Can You Help at DCA?
Continue to pray for the school year! Tell others about DCA!
Please contact the DCA school office 540-552-7777 or [email protected] if you’re interested in helping with any projects. The list below is not exhaustive as various needs arise during the year. We look forward to working with you as we have a great year learning and growing with your students.
There are plenty of opportunities to serve regularly during the coming school year. These include teaching an elective, manning entry desks in the gym and main building, study hall proctors, classroom helpers, lab aides, substituting, helping out during lunches, helping with morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, regular cleaning rotations, etc. If you would like to volunteer for one of these regular time slots throughout the year, please contact Joanna Hampton (as soon as possible): [email protected]
We need parents to man the welcome desk in the Gym entry way.
We need parent volunteers to help as lab aides.
- 8:30 - 3:00 M-F
- can be broken down into days/times that fit your schedule, but would love to put together a regular schedule for each week if possible
- Volunteering one morning or afternoon a week would be a great help in keeping our children safe this year!
- Drop off help 7:45-8:30.
- Pick-up help 2:40-3:30.
- Needs exist all day every day
- can be broken down into days/times that fit your schedule, but would love to put together a regular schedule for each week if possible
We need parent volunteers to help as lab aides.
- Looking for someone who can help by pulling items needed from the garage to prep for labs and then put them back in the garage afterwards. Could be an after/before school activity?
- Some lab aide opportunities will exist throughout the year for Physics, Physical Science, Earth Science, and elementary classes. If you're interested, please let us know.
- The teacher can have that 30-minute lunch break
- Even if you only have one day a month available, the teachers would appreciate the help.
- K-1 Lunch 11:00-11:30; Recess 11:30-12:00
- 2-4 Recess 11:00-11:30; 2-5 Lunch 11:30-12:00
- If you would be willing to be on the substitute teacher list to help out when teachers are ill or have a need that keeps them out of the classroom, let us know your availability, the grades willing to cover, etc.
- You may sub for pay or for volunteer hours.
- We’re looking for someone to help oversee athletic uniform inventory, storage, etc.
- We need help with concessions for home games
- We need admissions table workers and clock/bookkeepers for home games
- Contact Athletic Director Justin Hawks [email protected]