Hey Everyone!
I pray this letter finds each of doing well in life, walking in great joy, peace, and purpose with our Savior and Lord. It’s almost impossible to communicate to all of you how much my heart rejoices each time I think about or pray for you (Philippians 1:3-6). You are indeed one of the greatest comforts and joys of both my heart and Joanna’s as well. And while we miss each of you, we are so excited about the journey on which God has you.
I’m writing today to reach out to each of you and encourage you to plan to return to Dayspring for some activities we have planned for the third weekend in December (December 20th and 21st).
Coming up this December we will be holding two events I wanted you to know about. On Friday night December 20th from 600PM until 800PM there will be an Impact Fundraising Dinner for Dayspring at Custom Catering in Blacksburg. And on Saturday December 21st at 500PM on the Dayspring Campus there will be a very special alumni event, The Aaron Craig Memorial Alumni Basketball Game and Reception.
Aaron Craig Memorial Alumni Basketball Game and Reception - Saturday December 21, 2019
As many of you know, last December Aaron Craig a treasured member of the Dayspring Staff for a decade and a volunteer at Dayspring for over a decade, before he came to work with us, passed away unexpectedly. We are excited to promote this Alumni Event in his honor and memory. Along with honoring Aaron, and creating a fellowship opportunity for our alumni, we are using this event to raise funds for the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund which will help families be able to afford Dayspring and will also fund a small memorial for alumni and staff we have lost through the years. In case you were not aware we have now lost three alumni, Ashley Dowdy Class of 2002, Sam Johnston Class of 2006, and Emily Martin Class of 2011. It would be great if you could join us for this special gathering.
There will be no admission charge for the game or reception but we will be taking donations for the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund. There is a link in the newsletter where you can contribute directly to this fund online. You can also order special event apparel and pick it up the night of the event, or have it shipped to you if you are unable to attend. All proceeds go to the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund.
Lasting Impact Fundraising Dinner - Friday December 20, 2019
On the Friday night prior to the Alumni Event there will a fundraising dinner at Custom Catering in Blacksburg. We are hopeful that some of you might be willing to share what impact Dayspring has had on your life. Either by speaking for a moment or two that evening or by sending some thoughts to us that we could use that evening.
I hope you all can participate or attend, it would be a blessing to see each and every one of you. You may RSVP.
My email is [email protected] if you have time to reach out and let me know how you’re doing or if you have any questions about the events.
Thanks and God bless
Dug Hampton
Administrator Dayspring Christian Academy
I pray this letter finds each of doing well in life, walking in great joy, peace, and purpose with our Savior and Lord. It’s almost impossible to communicate to all of you how much my heart rejoices each time I think about or pray for you (Philippians 1:3-6). You are indeed one of the greatest comforts and joys of both my heart and Joanna’s as well. And while we miss each of you, we are so excited about the journey on which God has you.
I’m writing today to reach out to each of you and encourage you to plan to return to Dayspring for some activities we have planned for the third weekend in December (December 20th and 21st).
Coming up this December we will be holding two events I wanted you to know about. On Friday night December 20th from 600PM until 800PM there will be an Impact Fundraising Dinner for Dayspring at Custom Catering in Blacksburg. And on Saturday December 21st at 500PM on the Dayspring Campus there will be a very special alumni event, The Aaron Craig Memorial Alumni Basketball Game and Reception.
Aaron Craig Memorial Alumni Basketball Game and Reception - Saturday December 21, 2019
As many of you know, last December Aaron Craig a treasured member of the Dayspring Staff for a decade and a volunteer at Dayspring for over a decade, before he came to work with us, passed away unexpectedly. We are excited to promote this Alumni Event in his honor and memory. Along with honoring Aaron, and creating a fellowship opportunity for our alumni, we are using this event to raise funds for the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund which will help families be able to afford Dayspring and will also fund a small memorial for alumni and staff we have lost through the years. In case you were not aware we have now lost three alumni, Ashley Dowdy Class of 2002, Sam Johnston Class of 2006, and Emily Martin Class of 2011. It would be great if you could join us for this special gathering.
There will be no admission charge for the game or reception but we will be taking donations for the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund. There is a link in the newsletter where you can contribute directly to this fund online. You can also order special event apparel and pick it up the night of the event, or have it shipped to you if you are unable to attend. All proceeds go to the Aaron Craig Memorial Fund.
Lasting Impact Fundraising Dinner - Friday December 20, 2019
On the Friday night prior to the Alumni Event there will a fundraising dinner at Custom Catering in Blacksburg. We are hopeful that some of you might be willing to share what impact Dayspring has had on your life. Either by speaking for a moment or two that evening or by sending some thoughts to us that we could use that evening.
I hope you all can participate or attend, it would be a blessing to see each and every one of you. You may RSVP.
My email is [email protected] if you have time to reach out and let me know how you’re doing or if you have any questions about the events.
Thanks and God bless
Dug Hampton
Administrator Dayspring Christian Academy